In the past, I have written about few of the biggest eCommerce platforms like Magento or WooCommerce. Shopify it’s one of the most popular eCommerce platforms.

In the past, I have written about few of the biggest eCommerce platforms like Magento or WooCommerce. Shopify it’s one of the most popular eCommerce platforms.
Today we are glad to announce the collaboration between our company and WEBCentric. This is the most important transaction done by our company to this date. Below you can find the press release.
Only now at the end of 2015 we can realize the magnitude of a whole year and what we managed to accomplish in this time. For us, at TheWebMiner this year was a full one, marked by new experiences, connections, and most important, successful data extractions.
More than that, 2015 was a productive year. After doing an internship with several students from Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies we managed to expand our team with one member, a devoted programmer just as passionate about this science as any of us.
I saw recently an event at an university in Romania (Universitatea Politehnica Bucuresti) that aims to help students to choose the subject for their degree thesis. At this event companies are invited to present themes in front of students. You will find below a short list of themes related to our industry:
1. Automatic website classification
Possible categories: e-commerce, company website, news/blog, other.
2. Detecting website structure (and representing as a tree)
E.g. The first level of an online store contains main categories, second level sub categories and n level product page. The entire website can be represented as a tree.
3. Logo detection on internet
When detecting logos on a website page there are multiple issues that might occur. For example: many logos in same image, scaled logos.
Please let us know if you want to develop one of the above themes, and we will help you with results of our research.
Ever since I was in high-school I was interested in fresh ideas. Then I went to expo events in Bucharest, our “Silicon Valley”. Later I moved to Bucharest and I went to many informal meetings where many projects are presented. In most cases projects ware personal tech projects with a little business flavor.
This week I went to the Innovation Labs Demo Day. Innovation Labs functions like an accelerator for technical guys. It begins with a hackathon and ends after 3 months with a demo day.
If you ever try, out of curiosity to join data from your website to other organic searches from search engines related to your field you might discover interesting facts to exploit to your benefit in terms of factors that influence website traffic.
From the very beginning, one of the core services TheWebMiner provided was aggregated data and insight into the mobile app landscape. We managed to offer our clients custom aggregated data for all major mobile app marketplaces (iOS AppStore, Google Play, Amazon AppStore etc.) as well as primary analysis on the extracted data.
If there is something that we learned this year is that the internet is not unbreakable. Hints about the power of some individuals have been released in the last years through Anonymous members but only throughout 2014 they took form of cyber attacks. Some of them you’ve heard about, some of them are new, so here are the top 5 cyber-attacks of the year:
This year was a great year for setting new trends and directions of development for the it market. Now, with the year having almost ended I think that it is only fair to have a retrospective look over the things that counted and influenced our decisions this year.
I will start this series of articles with the recent published its top best apps of 2014 and describe the best apps from every category as published by apple. Before starting it is to appreciate the fact that this year selected apps are mostly focused on wellness and health which can only be the next app trend.
This year App Of The Year trophy was claimed by Elevate a simple but intuitive app meant to develop one’s cognitive ability by series of daily exercises. The App is also adaptive so it challenges your brain according to previsions results. Its Runner-up was Instagram’s very own app Hyperlapse.
Also, for the best game, Apple chose a self development one giving the first place to Threes!, closely followed by Leo’s Fortune a physics-based puzzle game.
A number of various apps followed these most important ones into the rank but i won’t bother you with details. What we have to learn from here is how the trend is to promote self development apps whether they are games or not or even paid or not.
In the end I would like to remember you that the entire database for App Store and Google Play can be found updated to day on TheWebMiner along with description, price and other significant indicators. To contact us, please follow this link.
This post is headed to our american public because it features our sale for the complete list of Restaurants from United States. These were extracted from a trusted source and are up to this date.
Either if you work in food industry and want to set up a data base of potential customers nearby or just data enthusiast, this list will meet your requirements, providing not only address but also a telephone number for the available locations.
This list can be used also in many market researches as density of restaurants for a place or a town to detect where is a right position to build your restaurant, or just to make some marketing campaign if your product it’s for restaurants, pubs, coffee or other public locations.
Also, a sample of the file can be found here so you can check before buying, and for any further questions we are available through our contact form.
The US restaurants list is available along with more information at this link. Have a nice week!