Tag Archives: localization data

How many gas stations are in United States?

Gas Station

In case you are curios about the number of gas stations in United States, we have a study for this. There are about 133,000 gas stations in US. This means 1,900 cars per gas station.

For more information check out our new tool TheWebMiner GEO.

Image source: http://www.prevention.com/sites/prevention.com/files/styles/article_main_image_2200px/public/images/articles/featured_images/Getty-154226161-Gas_station_night-Hans_Engbers_0.jpg?itok=tRCUbQMd

How many hotels are in United States?


Recently we made a study about number of hotels in US. We have discovered that are 37,000 hotels in United States. This means that we have 8,300 inhabitants per hotel, but obviously the hotels are for tourists. Our math shows that 2,000 tourists go to sit in a hotel on year.

For more geo data you can use our tool TheWebMiner.com/geo

Image source: http://i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/02323/HOTEL_2323685b.jpg

Our year in review

From the very beginning, one of the core services TheWebMiner provided was aggregated data and insight into the mobile app landscape. We managed to offer our clients custom aggregated data for all major mobile app marketplaces (iOS AppStore, Google Play, Amazon AppStore etc.) as well as primary analysis on the extracted data.

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