It’s been a while since our last post but now vacation is over and getting back to work is mandatory.
Now, where we were at? right, we’ve got our readers engaged and interested, but are we ready to sell them what we want? Probably not, and that from various reasons, because planets rarely align to create a perfect business and so we have to make smaller and more secure steps.
It’s very important to remember that even though readers are interested (we observe that by watching the bounce rate, the smaller the bounce, the more interesting the content ) we need to get them hooked and because it’s very unlikely that a large number of visitors to contact you it’s important to get an email address from each of them to deliver news and upgrades to your product. One can use Email providing services like MailChimp or Aweber to establish a connection between viewers and poster. In this way you can get direct feedback right from the users.

Another simple way of getting constructive feedback is through a third party. Just use someone your public trusts, and because public figures tend to be a little over budget for young entrepreneurs you can contact influential people like group admins or owners of other small businesses that don’t directly compete with yours. Other than interesting and documented opinions they can also direct some of the attention they get towards your company. It’s important to remember however that they will get involved and scratch your back only if you scratch theirs so it’s important not to get too uptight when negotiating.
At this point if you centralize all the feedback that you got, polish your product around it and direct it to the people that requested it you should have a starting point for your business. All I can say is good luck and never be afraid to ask for feedback!