Tag Archives: XLS

How to convert .XLS files in .CSV and viceversa?

XLS (Microsoft Excel spreadsheet format)

Is a binary format used by Microsoft excel for storing data.

CSV ( Comma Separated Values )

Is a file format for storing data in text files. Every value are separated from other value by a delimiter (many times is , or ; ). Content of a CSV file looks like following lines:


Convert XLS to CSV

This it’s very simple:

1. You need to open XLS (Excel spreadsheet) file with Microsoft Excel

2. Save as (from file or office menu)

3. Insert file name

4. Select CSV (Comma delimited) (*.csv) from save as type ( above File name )

5, Press Save, then OK and Yes This is all.

Convert CSV to XLS file

1. You need to open CSV file with Microsoft Excel

2. Save as (from file or office menu)

3. Insert file name

4. Select Excel 97-2003 Workbook (*.xls) from save as type ( above File name )

5. Press Save This is all.