Tag Archives: main content detector

New tools

Hello everybody!

Today we proudly present our new feature of the site, a tool that can not only be useful for large companies but to individual users reading this blog from the comfort of their homes.

For this new tool we had to redesign the tool section so we also hope that you will fond the new aspect, more simple and elegant.

Now, about the tool itself, we are confident that it will make good use to you because its main purpose is to find, in a webpage the most important section/article/data, which can be a difficult task especially in large websites or on pages that are filled with promotional content that is for no use to anyone. You will also see how easy it is to use it: just entering the URL and hitting the button “i’m lucky” the extractor will quote the text right in TheWebMiner tab.

That’s all for now, we hope that you will put to work this new tool, (that you may find at this link) and that it will save you from a lot of work!


A tool for main article extraction

Today we announce a new tool for extract main article from a webpage.

For example if we want to extract only article from this page: http://www.economist.com/blogs/charlemagne/2013/03/cyprus-bail-out we put the URL in address field and press enter. It’s very simple 😉 .

The tool can be found here. Will lunch soon an free API for this tool.