Monthly Archives: November 2014

How to use Tor to avoid CAPTCHA

These days I have published a Python 3 module intense used at TheWebMiner. The module it’s called PyTor and it’s available here: It helps us to avoid CAPTCHA or other mechanisms for blocking the robots that crawl fast, websites. With this module you can detect when a website ban your IP address and you can easily change it (actually this happens automatically). Now this module it’s public and you can use it in your application.

I hope that it’s useful for you.

Better Safe Than Sorry

It’s been a while since our last post and lots of things happened in The Web Miner secret workshop so, be ready for we are about to launch a tool that should not be missed by no serious marketing department.

The problem we are trying to solve is the fast access to information that is needed to take a decision regarding the course of prices of a whole ecommerce. Just as it is said in entrepreneurship, if you heard it, it’s already to late to start a business with it, we can transcript that for those who set up the price policy of any store. They need to be in contact with the market without a break and to be aware that even for a slight change of their prices the sales could go up and down at an astonishing rate, because in the end if we neglect the rate of trust of users for certain sites or other facilities regarding shipping, all online shops are the same for final consumers.

How was this solved in the past is simple: it was not! Mainly because people were not aware of the advantages that a quick response rate to changes can give to a shop. Also before 2010 the competition between online businesses was not that high so this didn’t became a problem until rather recently.

A thought for the end is that the market will never finish evolving and that ecommerce shops haven’t reached the peak yet, and so, new rules are being added to this industry so better be aware. After all, better safe than sorry!